Tape, dispensers and supplies


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12 products

24mm Clear Tape 50M (pk 6)  RSBO24mm Clear Tape 50M (pk 6)  RSBO
24mm Clear tape 50m Sale price€2,91
Packs of 6
Special offer
Low Noise Clear Tape x 36 with Dispenser 50mm x 66M TAPE36Low Noise Clear Tape x 36 with Dispenser 50mm x 66M TAPE36
50mm Clear low noise packing tape 66m Sale priceFrom €1,55
Packs of 6
Special offer
Fragile Kraft Paper Tape x 36 with Dispenser 50mm x 50M FRAGK36Fragile Kraft Paper Tape x 36 with Dispenser 50mm x 50M FRAGK36
50mm Fragile kraft paper tape 50m Sale priceFrom €4,06
Packs of 6
Special offer
Fragile Packaging Tape x 6 with Dispenser 50mm x 66M FRAG6Fragile Packaging Tape x 6 with Dispenser 50mm x 66M FRAG6
50mm Fragile tape 66m Sale priceFrom €2,03
Packs of 6
50mm Tape Dispenser (pk 1)  DISP50mm Packing Tape Dispenser pk 1 DISP
50mm Tape dispenser Sale price€10,75
Special offer
75mm Reinforced Tape 50M pk 1 CROSS72mm Reinforced packing tape 50m
72mm Reinforced packing tape 50m Sale priceFrom €9,19
Packs of 6
75mm Cross Weave Tape Dispenser pk 1 W/DISP
Air Compressor for Safe Air pk 1 COMP1Air Compressor for Safe Air pk 1 COMP1
Air compressor for Safe air Sale price€200,82
Special offer
Kraft Paper Tape 50M50mm Kraft Paper Tape 50m pk 1 TAPEK
Kraft paper tape 50m Sale priceFrom €2,91
Packs of 6
Pallet Stretch Film Dispenser pk 1 PWDISP
Paper Documents Enclosed Envelopes pk 1000 PDOCPaper Documents Enclosed Envelopes pk 1000 PDOC
Paper documents enclosed sleeve Sale priceFrom €0,05
Packs of 1000
Special offer
White Paper Tape 50M50mm White Paper Tape 50M pk 1 TAPEW
White paper tape 50m Sale priceFrom €2,43
Packs of 6