More than a decade ago, we decided to do something about our carbon footprint.
One thing we didn’t want to do was simply ‘write a cheque’ to an offset agency and forget about it.
We wanted to do something we could actually see making a difference, so we started planting trees...
Why Plant Trees?
As a packaging supplier we use a lot of paper and wood in our product range. So when we were looking at ways to offset our carbon footprint in a relevant and hands-on way, planting trees seemed like the perfect fit. And what better way to do it than involve our customers.
Land in the UK was too expensive and at the time we were making pine boxes near Bordeaux in France, so we took the opportunity to purchase 66 acres of land there which needed some love.
What Have We Achieved?
In 2006, we began planting Maritime Pine trees on the remaining 60 acres, leaving the small areas of natural woodland intact.
We donated and planted one tree for every order over £150.
Within 4 years we had fully planted the land with 33,000 Maritime pine trees. The trees are now around 6-12m high and reach maturity around 2040.
Thinnings take place every 5 years to ensure the strongest trees flourish but everything we remove has a use, from making pallets to the production of paper.

Has It Reduced Our Carbon Footprint?
Honestly? We’re not 100% sure! Any scientist will tell you there are many variables, but by industry standard calculations our trees are set to absorb around 235 tonnes of CO2 each year.
To put that into context, a flight from London to Sydney produces around 1.79 tonnes of CO2 and shipping products in containers produces around 24g/ton per mile.
We’re not going to save the world solely by planting trees but as they say, every little helps.

What Next?
Whilst 235 tonnes may not sound like a vast amount, it’s significantly more than many PLCs manage annually, so we’re really proud of the project and couldn’t have achieved it without your help.WBC has an option to purchase more land and re-start our popular tree planting programme in 2022, so watch this space.