5 budget-saving tricks for making hampers

5 budget-saving tricks for making hampers

After price and quality, our customers above all need quick and simple ways to guarantee extra profits with minimal outlay.

With your feedback over the years of what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to making hampers, we've honed and perfected the products we offer. Here are 5 gifting secrets that will save you budget when it comes to your year round gift making.

1. Less is more

It may seem self-defeating to tell you to be prudent when considering how much stock to buy from us, but the fact is, we want you to thrive, not overspend.

So, when choosing what gift packaging or hamper products to offer customers, keep your range to a well coordinated minimum and never spend more than 20% of the selling price of your hamper on packaging.

Just one standard gift tray can be dressed to cater for a variety of seasonal gifting opportunities. There’s no need to buy every colour. Just dress it differently with a wide range of finishing touches.

You’d be surprised how many customers over stock, but there’s no need to. Shop clever and you won’t end up with an unnecessary abundance of product lines and all your cash tied up in stock.

2. That's a wrap

Pre-made, pre-packed and pre-wrapped gifts appeal to people on the go; not everyone has time to wrap.

Prepare a pre-packed shelf of ready-to-buy gifts, give customers instant gift ideas and offer them the chance to make a quick decision.

Here’s a top tip, a simple cost efficient jute gift bag works a charm as a budget friendly hamper. And what’s great is it can be used year round to create themed grab and go gifts.

Our Top Grab N' Go Gift Ideas

- Father’s Day Gift Bag

- Green Fingered Gardeners

- New Baby Gift Bag

- Wellness Hamper

- Let’s spoil Gran

Branching out into a time saving, pre-packed hampers will maximise your profits, help shift slow moving stock and introduce you to a brand new range of clients.

3. Shred it, Don't waste it  

We always have a few tricks up our sleeve when it comes to shred and fill. With a palette of virtually unlimited colour options for you to blend, mix and match to your brand or designs, it can be tempting to buy it all. Good quality shred always increases the perceived value of your gifts, but here's a tip to try;

Fill your hamper base with recycled packing material - every company has it laying around paper, bubble bags or unused tissue paper etc. Cover it with tissue paper and sprinkle a thin layer of shred on top.

You’ll be saving your company money while contributing to the environment by recycling your waste. And don’t worry about customers feeling hard done by, studies show customers don’t want wasteful packaging, they’ll be even more impressed by a concept that’s nifty, thrifty and green.

Metallic shred

This season’s ‘must have’ hamper accessory has to be metallic shred. It takes hampers to the next level by lifting your gift presentation and adding a touch of luxury. But again, it’s costly so use it sparingly.

To make your metallic shred stretch further, think of gold and silver shredded paper as a ‘garnish’ to your hamper. Sprinkle on (or mix) a small amount to our standard colours.

Hey, presto! You got the look at half the price.

4. Keep it Simple, Repeatable & Lay it Flat

Keep the hamper process as simple and repeatable as possible. It is lovely to offer your customers the chance to pick and choose what they have in their hampers but this is time consuming and complicated and at busy times like Christmas, it’s simply not possible.

Offer choice, but not too much!

Another way of instantly reducing costs is to lay the contents of your hamper or gift tray flat to minimise the number of elements required.

Of course, there will be room for far fewer products than with the upright display but the point is to maximise perceived value (and your bottom line).

Laying items flat also makes products much easier to see, which leads to less customer queries and unnecessary hamper handling.

5. Send it Safely

Packaging is not just the things you pack it all into. It’s also the decorative shred, finishing touches like ribbons, tags, stickers and the right transit outer if you are sending it through a courier network.

With the inexorable growth in ecommerce and distance gifting, it has become more important than ever to ensure the hampers you send get there safely and don't end up costing you more to fix the problem.

So number 5 of your budget saving tricks is making sure you know how to send hampers as a gift through the post so factor this in for maximum gift exposure.

We make a point of showing you which transit outers fit what and how much shred & fill you need to help you cost everything up more accurately.

If you spend too much on the packaging then you have less to spend on the contents and the contents are what your customer tends to remember. It’s why they use you again and again.

So when you shop with us, think of us as your personal store-room; a one stop shop for all your hamper making needs. With our next day delivery within mainland UK, it pays to keep us on speed dial so you only ever buy what you need when you need it.

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